Henry Lau graduated from the University of Oxford with a First Class Honour bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science, an MA and a DPhil in Robotics. Prior to joining The University of Hong Kong, he was a Senior Systems Engineer and Manager at the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and AEA Technology plc., leading the design and delivery of bespoke tele-robotics and advanced automation systems for nuclear decommissioning and waste management. Dr. Lau was a Croucher Foundation Scholar and a Croucher Research Fellow at the University of Oxford Robotics Research Group, and a college lecturer at Brasenose College, Oxford.
Henry champions the research of virtual reality (VR) technology at the University of Hong Kong and his innovation of the imseCAVE VR system and solutions has made significant impact in R&D, business and industry. The imseCAVE VR system has been widely deployed by government, NGO, institutions and industry with over 25 imseCAVE VR laboratories and VR centres setup by his research team. The innovation of his research in VR has won many reputable awards including a Silver Medal in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2019, the Hong Kong Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Awards for Best Digital Entertainment in 2015, Smart Airport Technovation Awards 2018 for Training and Development, and HKU Faculty of Engineering Knowledge Exchange Award 2016.
Henry's research interest includes virtual and augmented reality technology, artificial intelligence, in particular, artificial immune systems (AIS), and computer simulation and modeling.
Henry is also the Warden of University Hall since 2011.
Teaching and Learning
Henry is leading impactful innovation in teaching and learning through active engagement in teaching development initiatives and designing new courses in collabroative and immersive learning using VR and AR technologies.
The following courses are what Henry inovlved in teaching in more recent years:
CCHU 9056 Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies - an inter-disciplinary courses in humanities, science and technology under the HKU Common Core Curriculum
IMSE3137 VIrtual Reality for Systems Engineering - a course for engineers who have passion to know more about VR and use the technology to solve engineering problems
IMSE3103 Systems Automation
IMSE3155 Systems Integration
IELM6004 Engineering Project Management
IMSE7002 Frontier Technology in Industrial Engineering
IMSE1015 Modeling and Simulation
Research Interests
- Ye Y, Wong SC, Li YC and Lau YK (2020) Risk to pedestrians in traffic systems with unfamiliar driving rules: a virtual reality approach, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 142 (2020) 105565.
- Kwok PK, Yan M, Qu T and Lau HYK (2020) User acceptance of virtual reality technology for practicing digital twin-based crisis management in industrial systems, Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
- Au Yeung JFK, Wei Z, Chan KY, Lau HYK, Yiu KFC (2020) Jump detection in financial time series using machine learning algorithms, Soft Computing, 24:1789-1801.
- Kwok PK, Yan M, Chan BKP and Lau HYK (2019) Crisis management training using discrete-event simulation and virtual reality techniques, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135: 711-722.
- Ng AKT, Chan LKY and Lau HYK (2019) A study of cybersickness and sensory conflict theory using a motion-coupled virtual reality system, Displays, 61 101922.
- Chen J and Lau HYK (2019) Policy gradient-based inverse kinematics refinement for tendon-driven serpentine surgical manipulator, International Journal of Robotics and Automation 34(3).
- Leung Chris SK and Lau HYK (2018) A hybrid multi-objective AIS-based algorithm applied to simulation-based optimization of material handling system, Journal of Applied Soft Computing, 71: 553-567.
- Leung Chris SK and Lau HYK (2018) Simulation based optimization for material handling systems in manufacturing and distribution industries, Wireless Networks, p. 1 – 22. (online: Nov 29, 2018)
- Leung Chris SK and Lau HYK (2018) Multi-objective simulation-based optimization based on artificial immune systems for a distribution centre, Journal of Optimization, Volume 2018 (May 21, 2018)
- Yu Chuhang, Zhang D and Lau HYK (2017) A heuristic approach for solving an integrated gate reassignment and taxi scheduling problem, Journal of Air Transport Management, 62: 189 – 196.
- Yu Chuhang, Zhang D and Lau HYK (2017) An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for solving a robust gate assignment problem, Expert Systems with Applications, 84: 143 – 154.
- Zhang D, Yu Chuhang, Desai J, Lau HYK and Srivathsan S (2017) A time-space network flow approach to dynamic repositioning of a bicycle sharing system. Transportation Research Part B: Mythological, 103: 188-207.
- Kwok PK and Lau HYK (2017) A modified consensus-building methodology for reaching a group decision using minimum costs, IEEE Access 6:3509 – 3523. (27/12/2017)
- Yu C, Zhang D and Lau HYK (2016) MIP-based heuristics for solving robust gate assignment problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 93: 171 – 191.
- Lau HYK (2016) The power of virtual reality in modern engineering, Cover Story in Hong Kong Engineer – The Journal of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 44(10): 8–12.
- Zhang D, Yu C, Desai J and Lau HYK (2016) A math-heuristic algorithm for the integrated air service recovery. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 84: 211-236.
- Ko, TH and Lau, HYK (2016). A Decision Support Framework for Optimal Pricing and Advertising of Digital Music as Durable Goods. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(12): 277-282.
- Wong EYC, Tai AH, Lau HYK, Raman, M. (2015) A utility-based decision support sustainability model in slow steaming maritime operations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 78: 57 – 69.
- Zhang D, Lau HYK and Yu C (2015) A two stage heuristic algorithm for the integrated aircraft and crew schedule recovery problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 87: 436 – 453.
- Chan LKY and Lau HYK (2012) The MagicPad: A projection based 3D user interface, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 6(2): 75–81.
- Lau HYK, Wong VWK and Ng AKS (2009). A Cooperative control model for multiagent-based material handling systems, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(1): 233 – 247.
- Lau HYK and Zhao Y (2008) Integrated scheduling of handling equipment at automated container terminals, International Journal of Production Economics, 112(2): 665 – 682.
- Lau HYK and Wong VWK (2006) An immunity-based distributed multi-agent control framework, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics – Part A, 2006, 36(1): 91 – 108.
- Lau HYK (2003) A hidden Markov model-based assembly contact recognition system, Mechatronics, 13: 1001 – 1023.
- Lau HYK, Mak KL and Lu T. H. (2003) A virtual design platform for interactive product design and visualization, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 139(3): 402 – 407.