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N. Xi

Head of Department
Chair Professor of Robotics and Automation
Director of Advanced Technologies Institute, The University of Hong Kong

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HW 8-5 / 8-20

Research Group:


Professor Ning Xi received D.Sc. degree in Systems Science and Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in December 1993.

Currently he is the Chair Professor of Robotics and Automation in the Department of Data and Systems Engineering, and the Director of Advanced Technologies Institute of the University of Hong Kong.

Before joining The University of Hong Kong, he was a University Distinguished Professor, the John D. Ryder Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of Robotics and Automation Laboratory at Michigan State University in United States.

He also served as the founding head of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (2011-2013). 

Prof. Xi is a fellow of IEEE. He also served as the President of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (2010-2011), a member of Administrative Committee of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2013-2015).

He has been elected as the President of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2018-2019). His research interests include robotics, manufacturing automation, micro/nano manufacturing, nano sensors and devices, and intelligent control and systems.

Selected Publications

  1. Mi Li, Xiubin Xiao, Lianqing Liu, Ning Xi and Yuechao Wang, "Rapid recognition and functional analysis of membrane proteins on human cancer cells using atomic force microscopy" Journal of Immunological Methods, Volume 436, September 2016, Pages 41–49
  1. Mi Li, Lianqing Liu, Xiubin Xiao, Ning Xi and Yuechao Wang, "Effects of methotrexate on the viscoelastic properties of single cells probed by atomic force microscopy" Journal of Biological Physics, October 2016, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp 551–569
  1. Mi Li ; Lianqing Liu ; Xiubin Xiao ; Ning Xi ; Yuechao Wang, "Viscoelastic Properties Measurement of Human Lymphocytes by Atomic Force Microscopy Based on Magnetic Beads Cell Isolation",  IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, Volume: 15, Issue: 5, July 2016, Pages: 398 – 411
  1. Meng Li, Jialin Shi, Lianqing Liu, Peng Yu, Ning Xi & Yuechao Wang, "Experimental study and modeling of atomic-scale friction in zigzag and armchair lattice orientations of MoS2",  Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Volume 17, 2016 - Issue 1, April 2016
  1. Mi Li, Lianqing Liu, Ning Xi and Yuechao Wang, "Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy in Exploring Drug Actions in Lymphoma-Targeted Therapy at the Nanoscale", BioNanoScience, March 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 22–32
  1. Liangliang Chen, Liangjian Deng, Wei Shen, Ning Xi, Zhanxin Zhou, Bo Song, Yongliang Yang, Yu Cheng, Lixin Dong, "Reproducing kernel hilbert space based single infrared image super resolution" Infrared Physics & Technology, Volume 77, July 2016, Pages 104–113
  1. Yu Zhang, Fanhua Yu, Guangyong Li, Lianqing Liu, Guangjie Liu, Zhiyong Zhang, Yuechao Wang, Uchechukwu C. Wejinya and Ning Xi, "Online Determination of Graphene Lattice Orientation Through Lateral Forces", Nanoscale Research Letters 2016, 11:353, August 2016
  1. Jieyi Zhu, Fuzhou Niu, Changan Zhu, Jie Yang, and Ning Xi, "Graphene-Based FET Detector for E. coli K12 Real-Time Monitoring and Its Theoretical Analysis", Journal of Sensors, April 2016, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 4641398
  1. Mi Li ; Xiubin Xiao ; Lianqing Liu ; Ning Xi ; Yuechao Wang, "Nanoscale Quantifying the Effects of Targeted Drug on Chemotherapy in Lymphoma Treatment Using Atomic Force Microscopy"  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume: 63, Issue: 10, Oct. 2016, Pages: 2187 – 2199
  1. Gongxin Li ; Wenxue Wang ; Yuechao Wang ; Shuai Yuan ; Wenguang Yang ; Ning Xi ; Lianqing Liu, "Nano-Manipulation Based on Real-Time Compressive Tracking"  IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Volume: 14, Issue: 5, Sept. 2015
  1. Ning Xi and Yongliang Yang, "The rise of the robot industry in China"  HKIE Transactions, Volume 22, 2015 - Issue 2: Robotics, June 2015
  1. Chuang Zhang ; Wenxue Wang ; Ning Xi ; Yuechao Wang ; Lianqing Liu, "A bio-syncretic micro-swimmer assisted by magnetism" 2015 International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), October 2015
  1. Jiatong Bao, Yunyi Jia, Yu Cheng and Ning Xi, "Saliency-Guided Detection of Unknown Objects in RGB-D Indoor Scenes" Sensors for Indoor Mapping and Navigation, August 2015, 15(9), 21054-21074
  1. Mi Li ; Lianqing Liu ; Ning Xi ; Yuechao Wang, "Biological Applications of a Nanomanipulator Based on AFM: In situ visualization and quantification of cellular behaviors at the single-molecule level."  IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, Volume: 9, Issue: 3, Sept. 2015, Pages: 25 – 35
  1. Jianguo Zhao ; Tianyu Zhao ; Ning Xi ; Matt W. Mutka ; Li Xiao "MSU Tailbot: Controlling Aerial Maneuver of a Miniature-Tailed Jumping Robot"  IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume: 20, Issue: 6, December 2015, Pages: 2903 – 2914
  1. Ruiguo Yang, Bo Song, Zhiyong Sun, King Wai Chiu Lai, Carmen Kar Man Fung, Kevin C. Patterson, Kristina Seiffert-Sinha,  Animesh A. Sinha, Ning Xi “Cellular level robotic surgery: Nanodissection of intermediate filaments in live keratinocytes”, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 137–145
  1. M. Li, L. Liu, N. Xi, Y. Wang, “Quantitative Analysis of Drug-Induced Complement-Mediated Cytotoxic Effect on Single Tumor Cells Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Fluorescence Microscopy”,  IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, No. 99, 2014.
  1. Yunyi Jia, Ning Xi, Shuang Liu, Yunxia Wang, Xin Li, Sheng Bi, “ Quality of teleoperator adaptive control for telerobotic operations”, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 33, No. 14, 2014.
  1. Mi Li, Lianqing Liu, Ning Xi, Yuechao Wang, “ Research progress in quantifying the mechanical properties of single living cells using atomic force microscopy”, Chinese Science Bulletin 11/2014; 59(31).
  1. Ruiguo Yang, Bo Song, Zhiyong Sun, King Wai Chiu Lai, Carmen Kar Man Fung, Kevin C. Patterson, Kristina Seiffert-Sinha, Animesh A. Sinha, Ning Xi, “ Cellular Level Robotic Surgery: Nanodissection of Intermediate Filaments in Live Keratinocytes”, Nanomedicine Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 09/2014.